Spider Extermination in Childcare Centres
Redback spiders are common in Australia and are one of the most dangerous spiders as it can inflict a painful bite which can be fatal. They can be seen mostly in hot regions and as long as they have food to eat and shelter they will thrive! They live where humans are and can be seen in garages, human storage and sheds where no one can disturb them.
One concern for parents would have to be the existence of Redback spiders in a Childcare Centre. Kids are exposed to the dangers of this type of spider and are a common concern that childcare personnel are worried about. Childcare safety is a top priority in any setting and the first step to implementing safety in the childcare facility is to contact a licensed, professional and experienced pest control team that also caters to spider extermination.
Pattersons Pest Control expertly deals with pests especially spiders and gives professional advice on how to minimize reoccurring infestations in the childcare facility. Don’t wait for spider bites to happen, when you see a Redback spider or any other types of pests call us right away so we can assist you with your pest problems. Our certified pest technicians are skilled in identifying different types of pests and they will educate & provide advice regarding the treatments and products used. A Service Register Folder is provided covering all documents required by the Health Department, for example a floor plan for all lockable bait stations, copy of our companies insurance/public liability, Safety Data Sheets, Risk assessments for each service also a report for each service etc.
The children’s safety is the utmost importance therefore the Pest Control products are the safest & gentlest on the market. As an extra precaution treatments are preformed after hours, usually weekends when the centre is vacated for approximately two days.
If you require any further information feel free to contact Pattersons Pest Control on 1300 484 030. We’d love to hear from you.